Explore guidelines, best practices and resources to help effectively care for your patients.
Reach out to our team for information and advice to help you better support your patients during this critical time.
Foam Dressings
3M™ Tegaderm™ Silicone Foam Dressings Sacral and Heel Application Guide (PDF, 362.60 KB)
Super Absorbent Dressings
KerraMax Care™ Super-absorbent dressing
Antimicrobial Dressings
SILVERCEL™ NON-ADHERENT Antimicrobial Alginate Dressing
INADINE™ (PVP-I) Non Adherent Dressing
Collagen Dressings
Contact Layer
Moisture Barrier
View the 3M Guidance on reducing contamination risk for patients and providers (PDF, 100.53 KB) includes information on isolation room procedures, hand hygiene, and single-use products.
Join our experts in this recorded webinar to learn about the differences in respiratory protection options such as surgical masks and N95 respirators, plus tips on proper fit testing, donning, and doffing.
Watch the webinar on-demand here.
How can wound care clinics walk the tight rope of balancing the need for patient and staff safety while providing patient care in an effective way?