Keeping people safe at critical points between all road users
The re-opening of cities affected by COVID-19 and the pandemic means creatively applying transportation safety products to new solutions in reshaping streets, roads and curb spaces.As leaders in transportation and members of our communities, our mission is to help shape safer roads and streets for all users.
Enabling safe and effective guidance with highly visible, reflective traffic signs and traffic safety materials.
Applying road safety solutions to new traffic flows
Safer traffic flows, maintaining social distancing in urban areas and efficient drive-through or curbside pick-up at retail and restaurant locations calls for solutions that enable safe, efficient and organized vehicle and pedestrian flows.
Learn more about Social Distancing Solutions for Road Safety, 3M Transportation Safety Division Social Distancing Solutions (PDF, 3.6 MB)
Maintain separation between vehicles and people at coronavirus testing sites.
Allow more temporary space for pedestrians and vulnerable road users.
Create efficient traffic flows for pick-up of supplies with physical distancing.
Signs – Testing Sites, Urban Areas, Curbside Pick-Up
Devices - Testing Sites, Urban Areas
Pavement Markings - Testing Sites, Urban Areas, Curbside Pick-Up
Create traffic flow solutions
3M Transportation Safety Division can help you prepare for short-term, temporary guidance of vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic to create traffic control patterns with materials and devices familiar to all road users. Cities can achieve high visibility of dedicated areas at all times, day or night, by marking queue lanes with pavement markings and directional symbols, separating vehicles from pedestrians and non-traffic areas with channelizing devices, and providing drivers and pedestrians with wayfinding signage using the flexibility of digital printing technology.
Talk to a Product Application Support specialist about Social Distancing solutions for your testing sites, shared streets and curbside pick-up: 1-800-553-1380
Talk to a Product Application Support specialist about Social Distancing solutions for your testing sites, shared streets and curbside pick-up: 1-800-553-1380
Helping the world respond to COVID-19
Learn about the cleaning disinfectants and graphics and signage that can help your business adjust to the ‘new normal’.